你们太天真.Absolutely it is about money. You are evaluating a different culture by your own, got a surprise? He is doing two things: 1 - bragging; 2 - try to make some extra bucks to support the house.
you silly you have to say that you would pay for staying in the house in the first place. if he said you needn't to, then you need not to pay. people who have 度假屋, unless very rich, mainly are for investigation. Who like to give it to you for free, especially in hot season like summer?
这个才算理解了点文化差异的 无论个人还是公司,在美国人眼里,没有免费的午餐,business is always business 这个上海人比较接近点
bragging; 2
【在 h*****7 的大作中提到】 : 你们太天真.Absolutely it is about money. You are evaluating a different : culture by your own, got a surprise? He is doing two things: 1 - bragging; 2 : - try to make some extra bucks to support the house.
【在 w******t 的大作中提到】 : you silly : you have to say that you would pay for staying in the house in the first : place. if he said you needn't to, then you need not to pay. : people who have 度假屋, unless very rich, mainly are for investigation. : Who like to give it to you for free, especially in hot season like summer?
people who have 度假屋, unless very rich, mainly are for investigation???
【在 w******t 的大作中提到】 : you silly : you have to say that you would pay for staying in the house in the first : place. if he said you needn't to, then you need not to pay. : people who have 度假屋, unless very rich, mainly are for investigation. : Who like to give it to you for free, especially in hot season like summer?
合法,因为年票可以给guest用,而且她那张是最高价的,主人不用陪着去。所以我们都 算客人,不过我坦白,上次那张票被我路上弄丢了。唯一可能性就是掉在加油站被人捡 走了,害我到了门口才发现票没了,白跑一趟。回来要全款陪小秘,她说补办一个就可 以也就算了。可惜从此后人家就不拿出来给别人用了,It's all my fault. 不过加油站捡卡不还的人太可恶了,我专门去了两次那个加油站,从来没人把卡还回来 。
最奇怪的就是他的房子绝对不是像某些人推测那样是用来出租赚钱的。否则我不可能听 不到一些风声。而且另外一个美国人曾经讨论过这事,还鼓励我去问能否“借用”而非 “租”他的house。 Whatever,我可能确实有些占便宜的心理,这是不对的。以后跟老美打交道还是要长个 心眼。人家说可以"use my house"实际上可能是说可以"rent my house".
73 楼
【在 h*k 的大作中提到】 : 合法,因为年票可以给guest用,而且她那张是最高价的,主人不用陪着去。所以我们都 : 算客人,不过我坦白,上次那张票被我路上弄丢了。唯一可能性就是掉在加油站被人捡 : 走了,害我到了门口才发现票没了,白跑一趟。回来要全款陪小秘,她说补办一个就可 : 以也就算了。可惜从此后人家就不拿出来给别人用了,It's all my fault. : 不过加油站捡卡不还的人太可恶了,我专门去了两次那个加油站,从来没人把卡还回来 : 。
74 楼
【在 S**I 的大作中提到】 : 靠,这年头你还真指望有人拾金不昧 : : 们都
75 楼
Agree with lz. He should have said "rent", not "use" in his offer. BS it!
有可能这个人根本就没有这个房子,只是看到同事间吹嘘,觉得自卑,编的一个出来, 也有可能。我大学本科最好的一个老美朋友,就是那种嘴里跑火车的人。天天是什么老 爸是CIA,老妈是名模等等等等的故事,而且从来就没有他没经历过的事情,无论什么 场合下他都可以用“You know back when we were...”作为开头讲话不冷场。