[转载] 关于复旦主办的ER 2004如何模拟multimodal的时间序列数据?***********RPM problem****************[转载] Share room during MobiCom 2004Re: A small problem about multiplication. 3x[转载] VLSI testing 方面哪几个会议档次比较高?What about the "Middleware" conference?what's the top conference for multimedia[转载] help on Petri Nets802.11e draftwhy many people at EE, but few here?Re: International Conferences attendance原来都是搞理论的猛人啊[转载] Re: 有人买过印度版的教科书吗?MikTex+TeXnicCenter helpabout information theoryanyone familiar with z notation?哪位搞semantic web的大侠给指条明路?Re: 大家说p2p 和 grid 还好不好做?Paul Erdos是?