How is it going? Re: destro爱CSHOW TO SOLVE THIS EQUATION?[转载] Brandeis is a decent research school.Ph.D. Student Position in Knowledge and Data EngiWon't delete any posts[转载] Is this true? [ZZ]普林斯顿大学图灵奖获得者姚期智正式来清华工作急:已知(x,y)二次曲线的方程, 怎么在xy-plane上把它画出来呀?another attemptPROOF -- Re: EE challenge CSHow to disable cache effectNew Fellow of AAAS in CompSci Area有点怪Re: 偶像级人物finally it is openRe: EE challenge CS (disproved)有没有做过gesture recognition 的兄弟?what's more can we do in IR?Re: [转载] Is this true? [ZZ]普林斯顿大学图灵奖获得者姚期智正式来清华工作Re: ft, shouldn't this board be in zone俗话说,好饭不怕晚OK Re: [公告] CompSci 板的投票结果