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something interesting---世道黑白颠倒了?“丑陋”的人最可爱 zt童安格我打算去学跳舞了chernobyl, 写个上周末dancing social小结啥的吧debating to myselfanyone comig to the Yale comp?最博大精深的是不是salsa?是不是swing在国内就叫吉特巴。East Coast Ballroom Dance Call----Sat, 11/11, upper Baltimoremust listen! luca's lectureDWTS week 2拉丁舞中女士的表现误区----邓丽君的爱象一首歌的感觉147 coins ready to use as bunsgoing-------------will be there around 7:20, I guess世界排名前十位的香水(zz)beautiful life :)Back from Ohio Star BallDWTS wk 7风骚得够"业内"水准!五个女博士逛美脱衣舞俱乐部 zthow is this board icon?