hey, my babies :)# Dance - 轻舞飞扬
it is ok to dance without any purpose of dating ya
it is also perfectly ok looking for a date through dancing too ya
you met a girl very very lovely in dance, although you didnot mean to date,
are you gonna try to date her????? It is nothing wrong to definitely give it
a try ya.
date is beautiful ya, why give one self a limit whether date or not ya?
if you met someone great, go ahead date,
otherwise, no need to date ya.
i never say you couldn't date someone you met during a dance ya
i agree with what you said ya
but your goal of dancing can't be just dating ya
and i bet not every dance of yours leads to dating ya
OMG, it gives me goosebump ending every sentence with "ya"


【在 c*******l 的大作中提到】
: it is ok to dance without any purpose of dating ya
: it is also perfectly ok looking for a date through dancing too ya
: you met a girl very very lovely in dance, although you didnot mean to date,
: are you gonna try to date her????? It is nothing wrong to definitely give it
: a try ya.
: date is beautiful ya, why give one self a limit whether date or not ya?
: if you met someone great, go ahead date,
: otherwise, no need to date ya.

only good thing about ya, ma is to make tones softer, to avoid being too
stiff ya
in here, chinese guys/girls can be distinguished by talking.
taiwanese are more soft toned, i think that can actually be taken as an

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: i never say you couldn't date someone you met during a dance ya
: i agree with what you said ya
: but your goal of dancing can't be just dating ya
: and i bet not every dance of yours leads to dating ya
: OMG, it gives me goosebump ending every sentence with "ya"
: ,
: it

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