One question on SQL Server# Database - 数据库
One of my databases in SQL Server is marked as "Suspect"
state and is not accessible. I don't know what this means. I
need to access it from ODBC,and an error occured. When I
checked the database, I found it was marked as "Suspect".
Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
Thank you very very much.
Firstly look in \LOG and look at all recent
errorlog(s). There WILL be an indication here as to why the
database has been marked suspect. You need to fix whatever
the problem is first (i.e. missing file, permissions
problem, hardware error etc.)
Then, when the problem has been fixed and you're either sure
that the data is going to be ok, or you have no backup
anyway, so you've nothing to lose, then change the database
status to normal and restart SQL Server. To change the
database status, a

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: One of my databases in SQL Server is marked as "Suspect"
: state and is not accessible. I don't know what this means. I
: need to access it from ODBC,and an error occured. When I
: checked the database, I found it was marked as "Suspect".
: Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?
: Thank you very very much.

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