Questions about building a database(Maybe ACCESS?)
Questions about building a database(Maybe ACCESS?)# Database - 数据库
My boss want me to put all his publications and reports into
some database.
Basic requirement is : He wants to "search" conveniently.
for example, in some interface, he can input the "key word"
he wants to search.
like "stress analysis ", then he can get all those papers
title listed, and then he can click it and get to the paper.
(Most of Those papers are in Latex)
Can I do this in ACCESS?
It seems that I got to build a "search engine",isn't it?
Thank you guys!
you can do this in any db. however, he has to define keywords for
every paper. and he'll only be able to search on these keywords.
the sql where clause can not do a full text match because you'll
have to store this in a memo or text datatype.

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: My boss want me to put all his publications and reports into
: some database.
: Basic requirement is : He wants to "search" conveniently.
: for example, in some interface, he can input the "key word"
: he wants to search.
: like "stress analysis ", then he can get all those papers
: title listed, and then he can click it and get to the paper.
: (Most of Those papers are in Latex)
: Can I do this in ACCESS?
: It seems that I got to build a "search engine",isn't it?

Thanks a lot!
I got one more question:
May I just download a search engine and then use it to
search the HTML files
(I can store those papers in HTML files) in some specific
Will it work?
I think the search engine can do the following things:
input the keyword, get the result, then directly point to
the link, my boss can see his paper in HTML file(or in PDF),
it that possible?

【在 b****e 的大作中提到】
: you can do this in any db. however, he has to define keywords for
: every paper. and he'll only be able to search on these keywords.
: the sql where clause can not do a full text match because you'll
: have to store this in a memo or text datatype.

if you do the search outside of the db of course you can
do a full text scan. you may not even need a search engine.
just use grep :)

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: Thanks a lot!
: I got one more question:
: May I just download a search engine and then use it to
: search the HTML files
: (I can store those papers in HTML files) in some specific
: derectories.
: Will it work?
: I think the search engine can do the following things:
: input the keyword, get the result, then directly point to
: the link, my boss can see his paper in HTML file(or in PDF),

Access is ok if your db is not very big. I'd prefer using
SQL Server because Access does not support indexing or
full-text search service. (From Access2000 on it's using SQL
Server's engine instead of JET engine, but I don't know if
it supports indexing now).
We had an implementation of something like what you were
looking for - two web services (one implemented in ATL
SERVER, one in C# ASP.NET) syncing some newsgroups and
maillists and store every post in SQL Server 2000 db, then
index on every

【在 b****e 的大作中提到】
: if you do the search outside of the db of course you can
: do a full text scan. you may not even need a search engine.
: just use grep :)

Maybe u can try some stupid easy way,
using access , save the whole article in memo,
using VB to construct the searching fuction.
If it is just keyword search, u don't need to use SQL or other
advance DBMS.

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: My boss want me to put all his publications and reports into
: some database.
: Basic requirement is : He wants to "search" conveniently.
: for example, in some interface, he can input the "key word"
: he wants to search.
: like "stress analysis ", then he can get all those papers
: title listed, and then he can click it and get to the paper.
: (Most of Those papers are in Latex)
: Can I do this in ACCESS?
: It seems that I got to build a "search engine",isn't it?
