help! about Crystal Report# Database - 数据库
Currently get 3 Seagate Softwares: Crystal Report, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal
analysis. ( do not have any manual book)
I never use them before. I connect Crystal Report with my Oracle database to
create a daily report. i want to put that report to a sever and uers can use
web browser to view them. Can Crystal Enterprise help me to do that job? Do I
need to learn sth like ASP to finish that job? Hope sb with crystal report
experence can tell me. Thanks a lot!
Crystal Reports come with several front ends for web reporting,
they're written in java and active-x + asp + client-side vbscript,
you have to be sure your client browser support the corresponding
languages. It's probably better to write your own server-side program
with asp to generate a report then export a pdf copy, but in a pinch,
you can just install Crystal Enterprise and modify the sample website..

【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】
: Currently get 3 Seagate Softwares: Crystal Report, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal
: analysis. ( do not have any manual book)
: I never use them before. I connect Crystal Report with my Oracle database to
: create a daily report. i want to put that report to a sever and uers can use
: web browser to view them. Can Crystal Enterprise help me to do that job? Do I
: need to learn sth like ASP to finish that job? Hope sb with crystal report
: experence can tell me. Thanks a lot!

Thanks for your reply.
I guess IE 6 support everything right?
By the way, if i have Enterprise installed, I can directly use the sample for
my own report and I do not need to know ASP, VBscript bla bla, right?

Do I

【在 D****N 的大作中提到】
: Crystal Reports come with several front ends for web reporting,
: they're written in java and active-x + asp + client-side vbscript,
: you have to be sure your client browser support the corresponding
: languages. It's probably better to write your own server-side program
: with asp to generate a report then export a pdf copy, but in a pinch,
: you can just install Crystal Enterprise and modify the sample website..

Yeah IE will support everything via an ActiveX control on the
client side. You can install Crystal Enterprise on an IIS server
and try their sample stuff out, but I do remember some modifications
was needed to at lease change the connection strings and reports..
That was for Crystal Reports 7.5 though. They also support client
side JavaScript.


【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your reply.
: I guess IE 6 support everything right?
: By the way, if i have Enterprise installed, I can directly use the sample for
: my own report and I do not need to know ASP, VBscript bla bla, right?
: Crystal
: to
: use
: Do I

cool,I really have no time to deal with ASP stuff. If I just need to modify
some sample code, it will be really greate.
I guess I will use Crytal Enterprise 8.5.
Thanks again.


【在 D****N 的大作中提到】
: Yeah IE will support everything via an ActiveX control on the
: client side. You can install Crystal Enterprise on an IIS server
: and try their sample stuff out, but I do remember some modifications
: was needed to at lease change the connection strings and reports..
: That was for Crystal Reports 7.5 though. They also support client
: side JavaScript.
: for
: database
: job?

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