2 楼
DbSet<> 和 List<> 有什么区别?
2个貌似都可以做 Getall(),get(int id),put(object o),delete(int id).
一个是repository class里面的;一个是context class里面的。
2个貌似都可以做 Getall(),get(int id),put(object o),delete(int id).
一个是repository class里面的;一个是context class里面的。
3 楼
4 楼
First, you can not use List<> in a DbContext; Second, DbSet<> doesn't have
the data in memory, at least not all data, most of them are still in the
database; third, can you query a List<>?
the data in memory, at least not all data, most of them are still in the
database; third, can you query a List<>?
5 楼
No, 6.4的话题太承重和敏感。 不适合本版
6 楼
First, you can not use List<> in a DbContext; Second, DbSet<> doesn't have
the data in memory, at least not all data, most of them are still in the
database; third, can you query a List<>?
the data in memory, at least not all data, most of them are still in the
database; third, can you query a List<>?
7 楼
Can you represent all BM's opinion?
8 楼
DbSet is specific for DB operation, the data is in the Database, List is
more generic, the data is in the memory.
more generic, the data is in the memory.
9 楼
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