I have a VB .net project. I tries to use vbc.exe to compile all the vb files
instead of using the visual studio .net.
I created one utility file say "a.vb", which have a function "f1()" that I
will call in other vb source file say "b.vb". But there is no conecpt of the
include as C/C++ has. So when I try to compile b.vb using:
vbc b.vb
It complains the function 'f()" can not be found. If it is in C, I will use
#include "a.h" in b file and it will know where the definition is.
Does anybody have
you can try
vbc /out:test.exe a.vb b.vb
vbc /out:test.exe *.vb
or if you have visual studio solution file use
devenv *.sln /build
or use Nant

【在 b******s 的大作中提到】
: I have a VB .net project. I tries to use vbc.exe to compile all the vb files
: instead of using the visual studio .net.
: I created one utility file say "a.vb", which have a function "f1()" that I
: will call in other vb source file say "b.vb". But there is no conecpt of the
: include as C/C++ has. So when I try to compile b.vb using:
: vbc b.vb
: It complains the function 'f()" can not be found. If it is in C, I will use
: #include "a.h" in b file and it will know where the definition is.
: Does anybody have

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