dynamic image from database# DotNet - 窗口里的风景
I am going to display a image dynamically in a WebControl.image. The image
content will be retrieved from a database as byte array. It is OK if I
serialize them into a temporary image file, and then set the imageURL property
of the WebControl.image to the file. But there be lead to some problem, for
instance, when multiple users access the web page, the temporary image file
will be shared and messed up. If the image files are serialized with different
names, there will be disk storage overhead.
when u retreve the file from database, why not save it as a unique name that
no two sessions will collide, and programatically set the imageURL

【在 c*o 的大作中提到】
: I am going to display a image dynamically in a WebControl.image. The image
: content will be retrieved from a database as byte array. It is OK if I
: serialize them into a temporary image file, and then set the imageURL property
: of the WebControl.image to the file. But there be lead to some problem, for
: instance, when multiple users access the web page, the temporary image file
: will be shared and messed up. If the image files are serialized with different
: names, there will be disk storage overhead.

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