No House Support for Immigration Reform With Pathway To Cit
No House Support for Immigration Reform With Pathway To Cit# EB23 - 劳工卡
Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) warned on Thursday that he won't vote for a
pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and neither will his
fellow House Republicans, a bad sign from someone who is considered one of
the more pro-reform Republicans in the chamber.
"The people that came here illegally knowingly --- I don't think they should
have a path to citizenship," he said on NPR, according to Talking Points
Memo. "If you knowingly violated our law, you violated our sovereignty, I
think we should normalize your status but we should not give you a pathway
to citizenship."
Whether the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in
the United States should be given a pathway to become citizens is shaping
up to be the most contentious issue in the immigration reform debate.
Democrats and some Republicans insist such a provision must be a part of any
reform bill, and a bipartisan Senate group dubbed the "gang of eight"
released a framework that includes one.
A Quinnipiac University poll released on Thursday found that 56 percent of
voters think undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay in the United
States and eventually apply for citizenship, while only 10 percent say they
should be able to stay but not become citizens. Thirty percent say
undocumented immigrants should be forced to leave the country.
But Republicans control the House, and many of them are opposed to such a
pathway. Labrador, a former immigration lawyer, said he thinks undocumented
immigrants should receive legal status but not the ability to become a legal
permanent resident or citizen.
He said if Democrats push for a full pathway to citizenship, they will tank
immigration reform and it will be for political reasons.
"If they want a political victory they’re going to draw a fine red line and
they’re going to say, either a pathway to citizenship or nothing else," he
told NPR. "They know that the Republicans in the House are not going to be
able to vote for that, and then they’re going to be able to beat us over
the head in 2014, and say, look, the Republicans don’t like immigrants.
Which is not true."
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee that
handles immigration reform, expressed similar concerns to USA Today earlier
this week.
"When [Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid] says there has to be a path to
citizenship, I wonder whether he's serious about doing immigration reform,"
he said. "You have to come at this with a willingness to look at all the
options and find the common ground."
Some Republicans ave embraced the idea of giving undocumented immigrants a
special road to citizenship. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told reporters on
Wednesday that he supports the "gang of eight" framework.
"We have to remember the 11 million people who are here are people," he told
reporters, according to U.S. News.
"If they want a political victory they’re going to draw a fine red line and
they’re going to say, either a pathway to citizenship or nothing else," he
told NPR. "They know that the Republicans in the House are not going to be
able to vote for that, and then they’re going to be able to beat us over
the head in 2014, and say, look, the Republicans don’t like immigrants.
Which is not true."


【在 u*******r 的大作中提到】
: Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) warned on Thursday that he won't vote for a
: pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and neither will his
: fellow House Republicans, a bad sign from someone who is considered one of
: the more pro-reform Republicans in the chamber.
: "The people that came here illegally knowingly --- I don't think they should
: have a path to citizenship," he said on NPR, according to Talking Points
: Memo. "If you knowingly violated our law, you violated our sovereignty, I
: think we should normalize your status but we should not give you a pathway
: to citizenship."

I think if there is a house bill it would be like:
1. Control border security
2. Give illegal immigrants EAD (and at the best a pathway to green card)
3. Give dreamers a pathway to citizenship
5. Family-based immigration


【在 u*******r 的大作中提到】
: Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) warned on Thursday that he won't vote for a
: pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and neither will his
: fellow House Republicans, a bad sign from someone who is considered one of
: the more pro-reform Republicans in the chamber.
: "The people that came here illegally knowingly --- I don't think they should
: have a path to citizenship," he said on NPR, according to Talking Points
: Memo. "If you knowingly violated our law, you violated our sovereignty, I
: think we should normalize your status but we should not give you a pathway
: to citizenship."

Raúl Labrador是共和党移民问题上的hardliner,来自爱达荷,没有非白人选民的压
to citizen,那移民改革早就通过了。
现在就是象 Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif).之类的共和党众议员能否软化立场,他们
另外在奥巴马union address之前,众议院提出的两党合作议案是个关键,如果里面有
path to citizen或者path to permanent resident,会说明有些共和党众议员倒戈支

【在 u*******r 的大作中提到】
: I think if there is a house bill it would be like:
: 1. Control border security
: 2. Give illegal immigrants EAD (and at the best a pathway to green card)
: 3. Give dreamers a pathway to citizenship
: 4. STEM
: 5. Family-based immigration
: should

when will be the house bipartisian bill?
but like I said, it is very likely that such a bill doesn't include a
pathway to cizitenship...


【在 v***g 的大作中提到】
: Raúl Labrador是共和党移民问题上的hardliner,来自爱达荷,没有非白人选民的压
: 力,选民反而希望他在移民问题上强硬立场。他说这样的话不奇怪,如果他也支持path
: to citizen,那移民改革早就通过了。
: 现在就是象 Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif).之类的共和党众议员能否软化立场,他们
: 要么面临明显增长的latino的选票压力,要么考虑自己今后若干年的更长更大的政治生
: 涯而从现在转向。
: 另外在奥巴马union address之前,众议院提出的两党合作议案是个关键,如果里面有
: path to citizen或者path to permanent resident,会说明有些共和党众议员倒戈支
: 持移民法案。

2月12or14号总统union address,据说会在这之前把house bill放出来,另外参与人士

【在 u*******r 的大作中提到】
: when will be the house bipartisian bill?
: but like I said, it is very likely that such a bill doesn't include a
: pathway to cizitenship...
: path



【在 v***g 的大作中提到】
: 2月12or14号总统union address,据说会在这之前把house bill放出来,另外参与人士
: 说过会是个compassionate的提案。
: 这个议案应该会和不少共和党众议员事先通气协调立场。
