Department Of Labor Launches Investigation Into H- (转载)
Department Of Labor Launches Investigation Into H- (转载)# EB23 - 劳工卡
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发信人: neosky11 (neosky11), 信区: USANews
标 题: Department Of Labor Launches Investigation Into H-
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 22 23:21:20 2016, 美东)
The Obama administration has launched an investigation into suspected abuses
of the H-1b visa program after reports that Disney fired hundreds of tech
workers and forced them to train their foreign replacements and at the
urging of a bipartisan group of senators.
The Department of Labor is investigating Infosys and Tata, who used the H-1b
visa program to replace hundreds of American workers at Southern California
Edison with foreign workers holding the temporary work visas, Republican
Sen. Jeff Sessions and Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin announced Thursday.
“We’re pleased to hear that the Labor Department is taking a first step to
stanch this tide of visa abuse,” the senators said in a joint statement.
“A number of U.S. employers, including some large, well-known, publicly-
traded corporations, have laid off thousands of American workers and
replaced them with H-1B visa holders.”
“To add insult to injury, many of the replaced American employees report
that they have been forced to train the foreign workers who are taking their
The program is intended to help businesses bring in high-skilled workers to
fill positions American workers can’t or won’t fill. But Southern
California Edison, Fossil Group and most recently Disney have together fired
hundreds of American tech workers and forced them to train their foreign
replacements, many of whom were flown in specifically to take their job. (
RELATED: Disney Blacklisted Displaced American Workers)
Sessions and Durbin led an unlikely coalition of senators to write a letter
to the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and the
Department of Labor in April, asking for an investigation into suspected H-
1B abuses.
“Though such reports of H-1B-driven layoffs have been circulating for years
, their frequency seems to have increased dramatically in the past year
alone,” the senators wrote in the letter. (RELATED: Obama Announces
Unilateral Action To Bring In More Guest Workers)
The Department of Homeland Security recently refused the senators’ request,
saying at the time an investigation would be “premature.” (RELATED:
Zuckerberg Ally On Americans Losing Jobs To Foreign Labor: ‘This Is What
This Whole Country Is Built On)
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