请教:H1B pending, 485 pending, 换工作, 该怎么走?
请教:H1B pending, 485 pending, 换工作, 该怎么走?# EB23 - 劳工卡
Sorry I cannot type Chinese. (Used online typing for the title)
My current status:
1. Engineer at a small company
2. First H1B started in 2014, expire 9/2017. Employer sent out H1B extension
for another 3 years in 9/2017. No PP, still pending. Still working at the
same employer under H1B using the 240 days rule.
3. EB1B approved. 485 RD 3/2017. Now pending > 180 days.
4. Received AP/EAD in June. Never used it.
Now I have a new offer from another company. Same industry, same type of job
. Much better benefit and career development. Need to make a decision within
next 2 weeks..
Can you advise, what options do I have if I want to take the new job? Many
many thanks.
1. Since H1B is pending, new employer cannot file H1B transfer, right?
2. If I use EAD to work for the new company. I guess my H1B will be
abondoned? Can the new employer apply H1B again for me?
3. If using EAD and giving up the H1B, what are the risks? What does the new
employer need to do?
Any advice is appreciated. Many many thanks!