转发一封来自ebay的信# ebiz - 电子商务
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这是我问他我的sells limit是多少,ebay回的信.
Dear Bugzilla,
Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your account.
All accounts that sell on the site have limits placed on their account.
These limits automatically adjust according to your selling history.
Depending on the type of merchandise being sold, members may or may not
reach the limits placed on their account.
As limits are always present and will affect your account only when it
exceeds a certain threshold of selling activity, it's possible you may
Dear Bugzilla,
Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your account.
All accounts that sell on the site have limits placed on their account.
These limits automatically adjust according to your selling history.
Depending on the type of merchandise being sold, members may or may not
reach the limits placed on their account.
As limits are always present and will affect your account only when it
exceeds a certain threshold of selling activity, it's possible you may