USPS现在寄回国正常不正常?# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
...The shipping provider, which we are always using, temporary froze (close)
the shipments to certain countries, including China, because as they said,
recently they got lots of lost packages to those countries. They said that
they are working on finding the causes of loosing the packages shipped to
certain countries & they will start accepting shipments as soon as they find
the problem (uncertain time period)...
...The shipping provider, which we are always using, temporary froze (close)
the shipments to certain countries, including China, because as they said,
recently they got lots of lost packages to those countries. They said that
they are working on finding the causes of loosing the packages shipped to
certain countries & they will start accepting shipments as soon as they find
the problem (uncertain time period)...