想稳定月入300刀的护士看过来!!# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
不需要起早贪黑的找deal 了!
Donate your Blood Plasma twice a week and get $300 A MONTH!
Im not sure if most of you are aware of this or not but you can donate your
plasma and get paid to do it. You can do it once a week or twice a week. It
pays $20 for first visit and $40 after that. Please note: Prices may vary
depending on where you go.
To see if you have a place near by go to
BioLife Website [biolifeplasma.com]
Donate your Blood Plasma twice a week and get $300 A MONTH!
Im not sure if most of you are aware of this or not but you can donate your
plasma and get paid to do it. You can do it once a week or twice a week. It
pays $20 for first visit and $40 after that. Please note: Prices may vary
depending on where you go.
To see if you have a place near by go to
BioLife Website [biolifeplasma.com]