非常牛X的病人来鸿# ebiz - 电子商务
I can see that this is going to take a great deal of effort on my part,
to get back what it will cost me to fix something I
should'nt have to fix to begin with.
This item was listed as "working perfectly with other screen"
not a damaged hard drive.
I am not planning on taking the system apart NOW and replacing the hard
nor will I disassamble just to take a picture. The laptop does not
look damaged or cracked anywhere.
Furthur effort on my part will incurr cost, I'm not going to do anything for
free, or waste what little free time I have pursuing this.
This item was listed as WORKING.
Hard Drives: 80-100GB hard drives WITH WARRANTY used or new,
start at $25, and go up to $40, if you include shipping charges.
I'm not going to buy a "working" hard drive on ebay without a warranty.
If you want to file a claim with USPS, I will drop it off
at the post office and pick it up. I will make no further efforts without
being paid
an hourly rate.
A bad hard drive significantly affects the useability of a system,
it is not an issue that can be worked around with a new monitor.
*I* will have to waste my own time to replace the hard drive, install
an OS, AT MY COST, and load the system with required software.
Even at the rate I USED TO work for, over a decade ago,
at $25/hr, I will spend at least $50 worth of my time
fixing something I should'nt have to fix; that does not
include cost of an OS OR new hard drive cost.
Item was listed as WORKING.
Let me know if you wish to file a case with usps, which I will, to a limited
co-operate with without further charge to you.
If you do not wish me to escalate the situation to an official ITEM NOT AS
with ebay, I need to receive $40 in my account no later than sunday morning.
写这么长的信! 根据他的 hourly rate,你要先付他 $25
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