想不到呀竟然赢了,要包子还是要听故事?# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
很特别的一个case。一个软件,usps first class寄的,但是tracking到SORTING/
PROCESS COMPLETE就没了,没有显示delivered。buyer肯定是收到了,发了ebay
message说留了+ feedback,让我也给他留;但不久buyer就charge back,估计是想钻空子。我估计要输又不甘心,就给paypal打电话,说我认输(类似情况我输过,还被paypal额外收钱),但希望paypal调查。隔天看buyer ebay id已经被注销。然后就到今天收信说赢了,撞大运了。
Case received: Case ID #PP-001-381-815-2xx - OHM001
Wed, 7/20/11
Urgent immediate response needed for Chargeback Case #: PP-001-381-815-2xx -
OHM001 final request
Sun, 8/14/11
The buyer's credit card company reversed the charges for a payment you
received. (Case ID #PP-001-381-815-2xx - OHM001)
Tue, 8/16/11
Chargeback dispute settled in your favor: Case #PP-001-381-815-2xx
9:51 AM
We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully disputed chargeback
case #PP-001-381-815-2xx. The buyer's card issuer has decided in your
favor and within seven days you will receive reimbursement for $156.90
PROCESS COMPLETE就没了,没有显示delivered。buyer肯定是收到了,发了ebay
message说留了+ feedback,让我也给他留;但不久buyer就charge back,估计是想钻空子。我估计要输又不甘心,就给paypal打电话,说我认输(类似情况我输过,还被paypal额外收钱),但希望paypal调查。隔天看buyer ebay id已经被注销。然后就到今天收信说赢了,撞大运了。
Case received: Case ID #PP-001-381-815-2xx - OHM001
Wed, 7/20/11
Urgent immediate response needed for Chargeback Case #: PP-001-381-815-2xx -
OHM001 final request
Sun, 8/14/11
The buyer's credit card company reversed the charges for a payment you
received. (Case ID #PP-001-381-815-2xx - OHM001)
Tue, 8/16/11
Chargeback dispute settled in your favor: Case #PP-001-381-815-2xx
9:51 AM
We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully disputed chargeback
case #PP-001-381-815-2xx. The buyer's card issuer has decided in your
favor and within seven days you will receive reimbursement for $156.90