Apple to unveil two versions of next-generation iPad in January, sources claim
Apple to unveil two versions of next-generation iPad in January, sources claim# ebiz - 电子商务
Apple is set to unveil its next-generation iPad - which will come in two
versions - at the iWorld scheduled for January 26, 2012, according to
sources at its supply chain partners. The new models will join the existing
iPad 2 to demonstrate Apple's complete iPad series targeting the entry-level
, mid-range and high-end market segments, the sources claimed.
The iPad 2 will be competing directly with Amazon's kindle Fire in the price
-sensitive market segment, while the new models will focus on the mid-range
and high-end segments respectively, the sources said.
Apple officials declined to comment.
Instead of the previously-rumored 7.85-inch, the upcoming iPad models will
still feature 9.7-inch screens but come with QXGA resolution (1,536x2,048
pixels), the sources indicated. Dual-LED light bars are designed for the new
iPads to strengthen the brightness of the panels, the sources added.
Sharp will be the major panel supplier for Apple's next-generation iPad
series, while Samsung Electronics and LG Display are also responsible for a
part of the orders, the sources said. Minebea, from which Sharp sources
backlight units (BLUs), has accordingly entered the supply chain for the new
iPads, the sources pointed out.
Apple continues to contract Samsung to manufacture its quad-core A6
processors, which will be used in the next-generation iPads, the sources
revealed. The existing iPad 2 is based on the dual-core A5.
Samsung is also among the CMOS image sensor (CIS) suppliers for one of the
versions of the new iPad that comes with a 5-megapixel lens, marking the
Korea-based vendor's first time to grab CIS orders from Apple, the sources
noted. Sony is the other CIS supplier for the other model with a higher 8-
megapixel lens, the sources added.
In addition, Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology have
both secured orders for batteries with a capacity of as high as 14,000
milliampere-hour (mAh) used in the new iPads, according to the sources.