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5 分钟前收到refund email
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Dear xxx,
We understand you may not have received the Target/Restaurant.com cards you
purchased in December. Despite our lengthy efforts to resolve issues with
Digital Doorstep, the merchant fulfilling the promotional cards, we lost all
confidence that they will ship the cards, and earlier this week we filed a
lawsuit with Digital Doorstep for breach of contract. Additionally, Digital
Doorstep filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy today.
As a result, we have decided to refund your purchase in the full amount of $
1,980.00 . If you used Plum Dollars to purchase this offer, those will be
credited to your account as well. This refund will be reflected in your
account within the next 7 business days.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Our goal as a
company is to always "Make Mom's Day," and we know this deal fell short of
that goal. We look forward to achieving it every day in the future.
Megan Gardner
Plum District
We understand you may not have received the Target/Restaurant.com cards you
purchased in December. Despite our lengthy efforts to resolve issues with
Digital Doorstep, the merchant fulfilling the promotional cards, we lost all
confidence that they will ship the cards, and earlier this week we filed a
lawsuit with Digital Doorstep for breach of contract. Additionally, Digital
Doorstep filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy today.
As a result, we have decided to refund your purchase in the full amount of $
1,980.00 . If you used Plum Dollars to purchase this offer, those will be
credited to your account as well. This refund will be reflected in your
account within the next 7 business days.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Our goal as a
company is to always "Make Mom's Day," and we know this deal fell short of
that goal. We look forward to achieving it every day in the future.
Megan Gardner
Plum District
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