中国ipad黄牛又上光荣榜了 (转载)
中国ipad黄牛又上光荣榜了 (转载)# ebiz - 电子商务
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: F1 (F1), 信区: Military
标 题: 中国ipad黄牛又上光荣榜了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 24 10:34:49 2012, 美东)
Cops nabbed nine hustlers caught hawking items they touted as in-the-box
third generation iPads outside two Manhattan Apple stores last Friday — the
day the coveted tablets went on sale in North America.
As legitimate buyers waited on line to purchase iPads from the Apple store
in SoHo, eight people were nabbed hawking tablets outside on Prince St.,
police said.
Ying Wang, 26, of the ower East Side, and Cheng Wang, 25, of Queens, were
busted about 12:20 p.m. after cops spotted them selling what the street
vendors claimed was the “iPad 3” out of the trunk of a car parked on
Greene St, cops said.
Cops found 90 iPads in the car, a police source said. It’s not clear if the
tablets — seized by police — were authentic Apple products or knock-offs,
said a police source.
That same afternoon, Ailin Xu, 42, was busted on Greene St. after he offered
to sell an “iPad 3” to a man sitting in a parked car, police said.
Meanwhile, outside the Apple flagship store on Fifth Ave in midtown, Xian
Yang, 46, was arrested about 4:30 p.m. after cops heard him offer someone on
the street an iPad 2, police said.
None of the nine arrested had valid vendor licenses from the Department of
Consumer Affairs, required to sell goods on city streets, police said.
The tablets retail for anywhere from $500 to $800 for the 4G Wi-Fi version.
It’s not clear how much the street sellers were charging.
All nine people were charged with unlicensed general vending and given desk
appearance tickets with a return court date and released, authorities said.
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祝贺!申请EB1时media report的问题解决了。