Re: 警察电击那位中国女性是完全正确的选择 (转载)
Re: 警察电击那位中国女性是完全正确的选择 (转载)# ebiz - 电子商务
【 以下文字转载自 Boston 讨论区 】
发信人: todzheng (blind), 信区: Boston
标 题: Re: 警察电击那位中国女性是完全正确的选择
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 13 14:29:04 2012, 美东)
What you said below is not true, police did not get both of her hands until
after tasering. I was much closer to the woman than the guy who shot the
video. I just walked in Apple store when the police and the woman were
together against the glass wall in Apple store, less than 10 feet away.
At first there was only 1 police trying to persuade her to leave. She would
not listen. Police put her against the glass wall outside of Apple store,
and threatened to arrest her and she still would not listen. Police took out
the cuff but could not put on her because she was yelling and moving. She
yelled in English to the police and took out her iPhone to record the police
. They stood together for 10 minutes with police trying to cuff her but she
resisted repeatedly. Police called for reinforcement and 15 minutes later
the other police came. They put the woman face down on the ground and cuff
one hand. The other hand is under her belly and they tried a few minutes
could not get it. The second police then tasered her on her left leg and
ass to get her release her other hand. Within 10 seconds they cuffed her and
escorted her away. The second police's glasses fell to the ground during
the arrest process.