2 楼
算一算你的 risk /reward...
what is ur cost:
1) one trip to Staples to spend at least 30 mintues of ur time.
2) potential get black listed or get two account tied together and lsot
what is ur reward:
save $3 bucks.
what is ur cost:
1) one trip to Staples to spend at least 30 mintues of ur time.
2) potential get black listed or get two account tied together and lsot
what is ur reward:
save $3 bucks.
4 楼
很神奇 上次我去一家店re 我说20个 小儿问你re到一个帐号里面还是2个帐号……
AE sharable的时候,只选了一个朋友,还可救回另外两个吗?今天终于弄了两个TARGET的。为啥没人收16G 的 playbook?staples reward 能退吗?怎么惩罚local的烂人 知道地址乖乖,都开凌志扫货了BB的投影仪ship了拆了包装,盒子扔掉了才发现买错了,还能退吗?Amazon seller 帐号能开几个?请教各位神医,现在apple店里能直接买到unlocked的iphone 4s吗?凡是留着refer link等我来删的,一律小黑屋你们在AZ上领跑的 (转载)问题解决了小护士求包养--价高者得大家赶快买HTC和Samsung手机打印机问题hot他就是老女审议的小密也今天晚上iphone 4s有人能reserve吗?Hot!直升飞机