Dell 本子差还是病人Evil。# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
一个美国病人昨天刚受到, 今天就要退, 说开不了机,Dell有这么差吗?
Buyer comments: i does not work at all. when plugged in to wall no lights
come on or anything.
我让她换一个电源插座试试, 回信很快:
have tried all the power cords even changed to new out let still nothing. i
find it kind of strange that it wont power up with no light or anything. not
sure what the defect is. would just like to return it. thank you.
是病人Evil还是Dell真是差, 去年底BB买的。
Buyer comments: i does not work at all. when plugged in to wall no lights
come on or anything.
我让她换一个电源插座试试, 回信很快:
have tried all the power cords even changed to new out let still nothing. i
find it kind of strange that it wont power up with no light or anything. not
sure what the defect is. would just like to return it. thank you.
是病人Evil还是Dell真是差, 去年底BB买的。