早上开了case,回复来了。amazon怎么搞得像雷锋一样,老中buyer也挺牛的 ,不想要了还能从amazon额外要15块钱,当然有可能csr的问题,amaz on不想让我知道。 Greetings, I understand you are inquiring about an additional refund provided to the buyer for your Order ID 103-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx. This amount of $15.00 has been credited to your payments account. The credit will reflect as "Other" in your payments account within 2-3 business days (which you can verify by clicking the "Transactions View" link from Seller Central > Reports > Payments). Since this order was fulfilled by Amazon, the buyer contacted our Customer Support department as they were promised a rebate of $15.00. However, this concession should have been issued from Amazon's account, not yours. Therefore, we credited the amount to our payments account and have also passed the feedback to the customer service team. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused to you.