amazon什么意思# ebiz - 电子商务
Hello from Amazon Services,
Thank you for selling on Amazon.com. Your success is important to us, and we
are working continuously to identify opportunities to improve your selling
experience and our customers' buying experience.
We are sending you this e-mail because our records show you sold a brand in
the past that will now require UPCs going forward regardless of whether you
were previously granted a UPC exemption.
Our research shows that duplicate listings caused by missing or invalid UPCs
make it more difficult for customers to find, evaluate, and purchase
products. To improve the customer experience, we decided to validate UPCs
for new and existing listings for 300 Brands in Hardlines, Softlines, and
Consumables. This extends a similar initiative in Softlines, which requires
UPCs on nearly 2,500 brands in order to create new ASINs in the catalog. A
complete list of the Softlines brands that require UPCs can be found in
Seller Central.
Beginning 10/23/2013, sellers will experience the following if they list a
product for one of the 300 brands:
--New submissions from sellers will require a UPC in order to create an
ASIN regardless of whether the seller has a UPC exemption
--New submissions from sellers with invalid UPCs will be rejected
--Existing ASINs will continue to be active and buyable, but invalid UPCs
will be removed from the respective ASINs, causing the ASINs to be
suppressed from search and browse.
To determine if a brand you sell is impacted, review the two lists of brands
found in Seller Central.
Thank you for your efforts to improve the customer experience on Amazon.com.
Amazon Services
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