把果子店的小二教训了一顿# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
昨晚在apple.com下单,in store pick up,本来想买两个TMobile 16G,
接待的小二是个老头,开始一切顺利。都快到拿着那个破ipod touch让我签字了,
小二突然直视我说:" we have to open the box and activate the phone".
我惊了,“What? This is a TMobile/unlock iphone and a holiday gift, I pay th
e full price and have the option to activate it later myself."
我在桌面上的MBP上打开apple store网页,把具体的信息show给小二看。没想到小二一
下子居然变严肃了,“our new policy requires activation for iphone purchase,
you could cancel the order and get full refund if you do not agree".
过了好久,一个胖马内急来了。我直接讲“you guys sell thousands of device-only
iphones to resellers without asking for activation. Everybody knows that. N
ow you force an apple customer who buy an iphone for self use to do somethin
g he don't want to do?"结果马内急也嘴硬,说他们store最近两天刚改了policy,要
包括TMobile iphone。
我特么一下怒了,“you guys are playing games with your customer, if you thin
k that is interesting. Let's play another one. Let's open the box now and ac
tivate the iphone. I will play with it and return it right now, right here.
Do I have that option? Sure, I do and I will get full refund. Let's do it!"
没想到丫先尿了,“Normally, we ask customers to activate their phones in the
store, but I will make an exception today...."
之后我问小儿,“Do you have a name card? I am going to file a complaint for
my bad experiece here." 结果小二躲到一边去,不理我了,赫赫,看热闹的老美也笑
接待的小二是个老头,开始一切顺利。都快到拿着那个破ipod touch让我签字了,
小二突然直视我说:" we have to open the box and activate the phone".
我惊了,“What? This is a TMobile/unlock iphone and a holiday gift, I pay th
e full price and have the option to activate it later myself."
我在桌面上的MBP上打开apple store网页,把具体的信息show给小二看。没想到小二一
下子居然变严肃了,“our new policy requires activation for iphone purchase,
you could cancel the order and get full refund if you do not agree".
过了好久,一个胖马内急来了。我直接讲“you guys sell thousands of device-only
iphones to resellers without asking for activation. Everybody knows that. N
ow you force an apple customer who buy an iphone for self use to do somethin
g he don't want to do?"结果马内急也嘴硬,说他们store最近两天刚改了policy,要
包括TMobile iphone。
我特么一下怒了,“you guys are playing games with your customer, if you thin
k that is interesting. Let's play another one. Let's open the box now and ac
tivate the iphone. I will play with it and return it right now, right here.
Do I have that option? Sure, I do and I will get full refund. Let's do it!"
没想到丫先尿了,“Normally, we ask customers to activate their phones in the
store, but I will make an exception today...."
之后我问小儿,“Do you have a name card? I am going to file a complaint for
my bad experiece here." 结果小二躲到一边去,不理我了,赫赫,看热闹的老美也笑