eBay has become a dead zone and sellers are packing up their online shops
and moving on. From the buying side, fees on both eBay and PayPal (which
eBay owns) have continuously gone up, causing the average item price to
increase. From the selling side of things, eBay has made it extremely
difficult for sellers by not only increasing seller fees but also they have
stripped sellers of any rights to protect themselves. Buyers on eBay are
allowed to defame sellers and the site has become a market that allows the
buyers to pillage the sellers. It is not uncommon to read on blogs and in
chat rooms about the many people who used to make a living or supplement
their income through eBay but, unfortunately, eBay's policies have become
increasingly tolerant of deceptive buyers - a seller complaining about
unethical conduct by a buyer will fall on deaf ears.
In other company developments, billionaire activist/investor Carl Ichan is
pushing eBay to spin off 20% of PayPal in an IPO, which eBay has urged its
shareholders to vote against. What would eBay be left with it they spun off
PayPal? An online auction platform full of shady characters. Across the
board, eBay has made its own life difficult by failing to deliver value to
shareholders by unlocking value in PayPal, imposing ever-higher charges and
fees to online sellers (the very people who enable eBay), and by supporting
deceptive and unethical scammers.
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