Questions to Think About# Education - 教育学
1 楼
In my psych class, the professor posted a few questions for us to think
about. Some of them are related to education which I'm sure many people have
thought about:
1.) Does giving praise harm children? Some psychologists argue that it makes
a child dependent on approval from others and can undermine spontaneous
interest in an activity, or that the self-esteem movement of the 1970s was
actually harmful because it lead parents to praise children too much, even
for doing a poor job at something. Ot
about. Some of them are related to education which I'm sure many people have
thought about:
1.) Does giving praise harm children? Some psychologists argue that it makes
a child dependent on approval from others and can undermine spontaneous
interest in an activity, or that the self-esteem movement of the 1970s was
actually harmful because it lead parents to praise children too much, even
for doing a poor job at something. Ot