Re: 有对排队论熟的么?
Re: 有对排队论熟的么?# EE - 电子工程

I know only a little about this.
You can ask lyzh or maybe jessejane.
Leaky bucket is kind of traffic shaping algorithm.
Regular traffic can have arbitary pattern that is unknown,
as we have mentioned before. However, traffic shaper
confines the traffic and make the output traffic conform to
certain pattern. (Usually confines the average rate and burst rate)
Leaky bucket is the most popular implementation of
shaper and is proposed in the IETF InterServ and DiffServ.
You can find intro in comput
faint... you kick the ball to me
simply, every work-conserving (note, this is important) scheduling algorithm
is trying to emulate GPS in some way
the major difference is the way to compute finish number or finish time (which
is the time the scheduler expects the flow to finish transmission)
well, i'm too lazy to tell the details about how FQ, WFQ, VC, DRR compute
finish number. :)
about leaky bucket, it's like a reservoir
it defines 2 parameters: output rate and capacity
capacity is the value o

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: I know only a little about this.
: You can ask lyzh or maybe jessejane.
: Leaky bucket is kind of traffic shaping algorithm.
: Regular traffic can have arbitary pattern that is unknown,
: as we have mentioned before. However, traffic shaper
: confines the traffic and make the output traffic conform to
: certain pattern. (Usually confines the average rate and burst rate)
: Leaky bucket is the most popular implementation of
: shaper and is proposed in the IETF InterServ and DiffServ.
