How do you guys think about this problem? It seems to be really hard
especially in the presence of botnets. How to distinguish DDoS traffic from
flash crowds or is it possible to do so? Is it solvable in the current
Internet architecture? I doubt it, and we may need a completely new Internet
architecture to deal with it.
not sure the answer, but ddos detection is not meant for ddos prevention
the use of ddos detection may cause false alarms, there is no way for us
to accurately distinguish in black/white
there are quite a few network anomaly based security products, of course
don't solve the problem, at least can alleviate the problem
a new internet architecture is probably the last option

【在 a****i 的大作中提到】
: How do you guys think about this problem? It seems to be really hard
: especially in the presence of botnets. How to distinguish DDoS traffic from
: flash crowds or is it possible to do so? Is it solvable in the current
: Internet architecture? I doubt it, and we may need a completely new Internet
: architecture to deal with it.

Is there any major vendors in this area?

【在 c*a 的大作中提到】
: not sure the answer, but ddos detection is not meant for ddos prevention
: the use of ddos detection may cause false alarms, there is no way for us
: to accurately distinguish in black/white
: there are quite a few network anomaly based security products, of course
: don't solve the problem, at least can alleviate the problem
: a new internet architecture is probably the last option

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