A Postdoctoral Position in Materials Science (TEM & Others)
A Postdoctoral Position in Materials Science (TEM & Others)# Engineering - 工程
A Postdoctoral Position in Materials Science (TEM & Others)
We are recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to work at UC San Diego on the
fundamental research of grain boundaries, interfaces, and their roles in
controlling materials fabrications and properties. Candidates with extensive
knowledge and hands-on experience on TEM will be strongly considered.
Exceptional candidates with expertise in other fields of materials science,
particularly in related areas of materials processing, characterization, and
modeling, may also be considered. To learn more about the general research
fields, please see several prior publications in relevant areas: J. Am.
Ceram. Soc. 95:2358 (2012); Acta Materialia, 62:1 (2014), 91:202 (2015), 130
:329 (2017); Scripta Materialia, 124:160 (2016), 130:165 (2017); Science 333
:1730 (2011), 358:97 (2017). The group is also conducting research in novel
materials fabrication (sintering) methods, materials for extreme
environments, high-entropy ceramics, and materials for energy related
applications that this postdoctoral associate can participate in to broaden
his/her technical expertise (if desirable).
The candidate should be self-motivated and have a strong interest in doing
scientific research. Candidates who are interested in pursuing academic
career in fundamental materials research are encouraged. Women and
underrepresented groups are specially welcomed to apply. The candidate
should be able start the work as soon as possible.
Please see UC postdoc salary scale and benefits at:
If you are interested, please email a detailed CV, no more than three
representative publications, and a list of three references, along with a
cover letter/email outlining your background, interests, and plan, to
Professor Luo at [email protected] (Please use this email address for
submitting an application to make sure it will be received and placed in the
correct folder; no phone calls at the initial stage please). Thanks!