a question about optimization
a question about optimization# Engineering - 工程
Hi there,
Sorry I can't input Chinese right now.
Please help me with the following question. Thank you so much!
To solve a problem, I have two objectives:
1. choose xi to max f(xi),
2. choose xi to min g(xi).
where f(x) and g(x) are two functions of x.
Since there are two objectives, I want to combine them to one objective
function to ease the problem.
Two possible choices of the objective functions are:
1. choose xi to max[f(xi) - g(xi)],
2. choose xi to max[ f(xi)/g(xi) ].
My question is: will
Your first objective is equivalent to giving equal weights to f and g. Y
ou may want to consider other weights based on your context. It should b
e hard for other people to tell you which objective is good without know
ing your context.

【在 l***o 的大作中提到】
: Hi there,
: Sorry I can't input Chinese right now.
: Please help me with the following question. Thank you so much!
: To solve a problem, I have two objectives:
: 1. choose xi to max f(xi),
: 2. choose xi to min g(xi).
: where f(x) and g(x) are two functions of x.
: Since there are two objectives, I want to combine them to one objective
: function to ease the problem.
: Two possible choices of the objective functions are:

There are uncountable ways to combine your objective functions into one, but
maybe just one best fits your goal. so you'd better understand the physical
meaning of the final objective and carefully make selection.

【在 l***o 的大作中提到】
: Hi there,
: Sorry I can't input Chinese right now.
: Please help me with the following question. Thank you so much!
: To solve a problem, I have two objectives:
: 1. choose xi to max f(xi),
: 2. choose xi to min g(xi).
: where f(x) and g(x) are two functions of x.
: Since there are two objectives, I want to combine them to one objective
: function to ease the problem.
: Two possible choices of the objective functions are:
