The resolution was adopted mainly because the Soviet Union, a veto-wielding
power, had been boycotting proceedings since January, in protest that the
Republic of China (Taiwan) and not the People's Republic of China held a
permanent seat on the council.
请问这句话里苏联到底是支持Republic of China还是People's Republic of China做
常任理事国?我不大理解的就是in protest that...这个从句是修饰谁的?
The USSR supported PRC and was protesting the fact that the ROC was still
the permanent member on the UN Security Council, and the USSR made their
protest by refusing to participate in UN Security Council proceedings.
USSR would have vetoed UNSC Resolution 82 because they supported the PRC.
However, because USSR did not vote (the USSR representatives were
probably absent), and because no other country cast a negative vote, the
resolution was passed.
"in protest ..." modifies "boycotting". It gi

【在 B********s 的大作中提到】
: The resolution was adopted mainly because the Soviet Union, a veto-wielding
: power, had been boycotting proceedings since January, in protest that the
: Republic of China (Taiwan) and not the People's Republic of China held a
: permanent seat on the council.
: 请问这句话里苏联到底是支持Republic of China还是People's Republic of China做
: 常任理事国?我不大理解的就是in protest that...这个从句是修饰谁的?

The Soviet Union had been boycotting proceedings, protesting that the
Republic of China (Taiwan) held a permanent seat on the council.


【在 B********s 的大作中提到】
: The resolution was adopted mainly because the Soviet Union, a veto-wielding
: power, had been boycotting proceedings since January, in protest that the
: Republic of China (Taiwan) and not the People's Republic of China held a
: permanent seat on the council.
: 请问这句话里苏联到底是支持Republic of China还是People's Republic of China做
: 常任理事国?我不大理解的就是in protest that...这个从句是修饰谁的?

I don't think that the USSR was simply protesting that the ROC held a
permanent seat on the UNSC. The USSR was probably acceptant that "China"
had a permanent seat on the UNSC, but it was protesting that the UN had
not switched recognition from the ROC to the PRC as the legitimate
government of China, i.e., the PRC representatives had not been admitted
into the UN to replace the ROC representatives.
My previous posting, and the text you quoted from Wikipedia, are probably
Take a loo

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 把句子缩成这样,主要意思应该还是一样的,会不会好理解一点?
: The Soviet Union had been boycotting proceedings, protesting that the
: Republic of China (Taiwan) held a permanent seat on the council.
: wielding

By the way, I read somewhere once that under the UN Charter, the
"Republic of China" is still technically a member of the UN, and that
the PRC representatives are in fact representing the ROC. For this
reason, the PRC representatives are in practice identified only as
representatives of "China" and never as representatives of the PRC.
That article also said that Mao once commented to the effect that if
China had not been proclaimed as the PRC and instead the ROC name had
been retained, internat

【在 O******e 的大作中提到】
: I don't think that the USSR was simply protesting that the ROC held a
: permanent seat on the UNSC. The USSR was probably acceptant that "China"
: had a permanent seat on the UNSC, but it was protesting that the UN had
: not switched recognition from the ROC to the PRC as the legitimate
: government of China, i.e., the PRC representatives had not been admitted
: into the UN to replace the ROC representatives.
: My previous posting, and the text you quoted from Wikipedia, are probably
: misleading.
: Take a loo

支持PRC 的. 修饰的是THAT 后面的那个句子.为了抗议+后面句子陈述的事实.
在 BobButtons (钮扣猫) 的大作中提到: 】
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