PhD毕业后,需要多长时间的工作经验才能参加PE考试# Environmental - 环境科学与工程
1 楼
给定一个array A, size(A) = n, n is an even number.
Denote Sum(A) = A[0]+A[1]+...+A[n-1]
Split A into A1, A2, size(A1) = size(A2) = n/2,
the goal is to minimize Sum(A1)-Sum(A2).
Is there any efficient algorithms for this problem?
Denote Sum(A) = A[0]+A[1]+...+A[n-1]
Split A into A1, A2, size(A1) = size(A2) = n/2,
the goal is to minimize Sum(A1)-Sum(A2).
Is there any efficient algorithms for this problem?