Healthier men want more sex for more years# Family - 我爱我家
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Healthier men, no matter their age, are going to have better sex more
frequently and desire it more often than healthier women.
And a healthier sex life could mean a longer life.
That's according to a paper written by University of Chicago researchers
that was published Tuesday in the British Medical Journal. While the
supposition that men think about sex more than women isn't new, the paper's
findings have wider implication for
Healthier men, no matter their age, are going to have better sex more
frequently and desire it more often than healthier women.
And a healthier sex life could mean a longer life.
That's according to a paper written by University of Chicago researchers
that was published Tuesday in the British Medical Journal. While the
supposition that men think about sex more than women isn't new, the paper's
findings have wider implication for