parent-teacher conference# Family - 我爱我家
1 楼
P2035n 224, rebatepapercase 47, photo paper X2 20
total 291
use trade-in -50
use 15% -36
at time point the total price is 204
use 50 off 200 total is 154
get rebate 22+20=42
total price is 112
retrun papercase and photo paper without receipt to get staple gift card,
get 67 back
total price is 45 now
non-HP trade in programm get $75 back
right now price is -30. yout tax paid is around $9.
P2035n 224, rebatepapercase 47, photo paper X2 20
total 291
use trade-in -50
use 15% -36
at time point the total price is 204
use 50 off 200 total is 154
get rebate 22+20=42
total price is 112
retrun papercase and photo paper without receipt to get staple gift card,
get 67 back
total price is 45 now
non-HP trade in programm get $75 back
right now price is -30. yout tax paid is around $9.