父母离婚的小女孩 (转载)
父母离婚的小女孩 (转载)# Family - 我爱我家
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: 父母离婚的小女孩
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 22 22:14:43 2012, 美东)
"Pick me up tomorrow!"
Yiyi started to cry when she heard her mom's voice, who was coming to daddy'
s home to pick her up. She stayed at daddy's home for the last 2 nights.
Mom took her away from daddy's arms, who reluctantly let go, and watched
Yiyi being taken to the car. Yiyi kept crying, even though both mom and mom
side's grandma tried hard to comfort her. Daddy came to the car to tell Yiyi
not to cry, "I will pick you up later." I would not dare to tell her though
, it would be 6 days later...
I kissed her goodbye on the cheeks, where her tears were still rolling. She
reached out to me, I thought she wanted to kiss me back, so I put my face
next to hers. She then whispered to me: "Pick me up ...". I cannot hear the
rest very clearly, so I got myself closer and listened carefully. She
whispered again into my ears: "Pick me up tomorrow!" This time I got it, so
I nodded at her and said, "OK! I'll see you later..." Watching her mom
quickly drove away with her, my tears just came to my eyes. I stood there
and tried to calm myself, waited for my tears to dry before walking back
Today is Friday. It's school break these 2 weeks so we have to pick up Yiyi
at each parent's home. I picked her up at her mom's house 2 days ago. 2 days
before that her mom came to pick her up from my home. She was crying even
harder that time, so hard that she started vomiting. Unfortunately her mom
is always inflexible when it comes to keeping her parental time, which is
significantly more than daddy's. She doesn't care how hard Yiyi objected or
cried, she would take her away by all means. She vomited twice more after
being taken away from daddy that day.
Yiyi is always happy and excited to go with daddy whenever and wherever I go
to pick her up.
It's been more than 2 years now. I fought so hard to have a fair schedule,
as I truly believe Yiyi deserves that. Some times I started to have doubt
about the effort I put in and all the pain I go through, but today I was
reassured once again, by Yiyi's herself, that Yiyi needs daddy, and daddy
should never, and will never give up the fight to be with her.


【在 w****a 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
: 发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
: 标 题: 父母离婚的小女孩
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 22 22:14:43 2012, 美东)
: "Pick me up tomorrow!"
: Yiyi started to cry when she heard her mom's voice, who was coming to daddy'
: s home to pick her up. She stayed at daddy's home for the last 2 nights.
: Mom took her away from daddy's arms, who reluctantly let go, and watched
: Yiyi being taken to the car. Yiyi kept crying, even though both mom and mom
: side's grandma tried hard to comfort her. Daddy came to the car to tell Yiyi
