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he bragged experience to deal with unions, now the only part flexible is
higher education. How about the in-state tuition for illegals? how about
the million dollar package for UC executives?
Brown proposes big cuts to higher education
By Matt Krupnick
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 01/10/2011 02:07:32 PM PST
Updated: 01/10/2011 05:38:35 PM PST
Education Blog: Contra Costa County | Alameda County
More education news
California's colleges and universities face a combined $1.4 billion in
cuts in the next budget year under a proposal laid out Monday by Gov.
Jerry Brown.
The University of California and California State University systems
would receive $500 million less apiece from the state in 2011-12,
obliterating gains made in this year's budget. And the state would cut
$400 million from California's 112 community colleges, although a
proposed fee hike would make up for $110 million of that.
Statewide education leaders reacted to the news with anger and
disappointment. Cal State Chancellor Charles Reed said the 23-campus
system would likely limit enrollment next year, and UC President Mark
Yudof noted that 2011 could be the first year tuition comprises a larger
portion of the university's budget than state funds.
"This is a sad day for California," Yudof said in a written statement.
"The crossing of this threshold transcends mere symbolism and should be
profoundly disturbing to all Californians."
Reed criticized the budget proposal, saying, "Higher education is the
state's main economic driver, and we cannot improve our economy without
an educated workforce."
Brown also proposed a 38-percent fee hike -- from $26 per unit to $36 --
at the community colleges, although he acknowledged that financial aid
would cover the added cost for nearly half the 2.8 million or so
students. Compared to today's average price of $780, the average student
would pay about
$1,080 per year, still the nation's lowest fees by far.
He also suggested the colleges could cut costs by counting students
later than the third week of class, when the so-called "census" is now
conducted in order to determine state funding. Close to one-fifth of
community-college students drop out after the third week, so a later
census date would lead to lower per-student funds.
Past cutbacks have left community college students scrambling to find
classes, and that will only get worse next year, said Jack Scott, the
community college system's chancellor. As many as 350,000 students could
be turned away in 2011-12 if Brown's proposal passes, he said.
"There are a lot of students who would be OK with paying $10 more per
unit if it meant they were going to get a class," he said. "But I think
a lot of students are going to be disappointed."
The new governor lamented the cuts, but said higher education was one of
the few flexible parts of the state budget.
"I don't like that we're cutting back there," Brown said at a news
In his written statement, Yudof said UC leaders would try to avoid
raising tuition -- which already was increased 8 percent for the 2011-12
school year -- and would do what they could to protect academics and
research. UC chancellors will report back to him within six weeks on
possible areas to cut funding at the 10 campuses, Yudof said.
The proposed cutbacks most likely will look much like those of two years
ago, when UC imposed unpaid furloughs and shortened library hours, said
Steve Boilard, higher-education chief for the state's nonpartisan
Legislative Analyst's Office.
But measures such as furloughs may not save the university enough money,
especially without higher tuition, said Patrick Lenz, the UC system's
budget chief. Campuses could be forced to cut academic programs and lay
off workers, he said.
"We've got a structural deficit of over a billion dollars," Lenz said.
"We'd have to do something to provide an ongoing solution, and furloughs
don't do that."
Students likely will notice the cutbacks, no matter how they pan out,
Boilard said.
"You can't absorb a $500 million cut without changing what UC
fundamentally is," he said. "We're talking about making some real
Staff writer Lisa M. Krieger contributed to this story. Matt Krupnick
covers higher education. Contact him at 925-943-8246. Follow him at
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