Some more photos (residents)# gardening - 拈花惹草
Here are some photos of the residents in the aquarium
Lemon tetra, schooling fish. I have six of them. The one in the
photo is a female. They don't school very well like smaller tetras such
as cardinal and neon.
4 Cherry barbs, the male has a dark red color when mature. the photo
shows a girl again.
The boy is chasing the girl :)
2 SAE Siamese Algae Eater. As the name suggested, they eat algae
Those are very gentle fish, they even suck my hand when I clean the tank
3 Oto (Otocinclus affinis). Th
I love puffer! They have really cute eyes :) But they are kind of brackish
fish and need meaty food. ( not sure) I am too lazy to try them.

We have the same syndrome. Want to have more and more fish :)
This is the fourth tank. I started with three wag-tail planty and end up
with more than 50 fish I can't handle. I used 2 30-gallon rubbermaid
container to keep them for a while. When I had to move several months ago,
I sent out all those planties. I am really afraid live-bears now.
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