4 楼
5 楼
12 楼
子了。而且它经常会一根枝子就die back了,正常么?
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 6.86 - iPad Lite
子了。而且它经常会一根枝子就die back了,正常么?
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 6.86 - iPad Lite
13 楼
OMG my Bougainvillea is blooming!
You know how cold it was in New England last winter, and I assumed it had
died. It's supposed to be annual anywhere colder than zone 9, right? Gee, I
could believe my eyes when I went to plant this years' annual. Still so
beautiful but of course much smaller now. Hopefully it will grow back to
original shape.
This winter, I'll mulch 6" over it and hope for a better turn-out next May.
You know how cold it was in New England last winter, and I assumed it had
died. It's supposed to be annual anywhere colder than zone 9, right? Gee, I
could believe my eyes when I went to plant this years' annual. Still so
beautiful but of course much smaller now. Hopefully it will grow back to
original shape.
This winter, I'll mulch 6" over it and hope for a better turn-out next May.
14 楼
可以买便宜的wood chips代替mulch铺在花园或者菜地里么蔬菜叶子长霉怎么防和治?奔一个礼拜大的苗苗原来没老鼠,现在出现老鼠,会是哪里来的呢? (转载)晚上23度是不是桃树杏树梨树开花的都没戏了没人贴? Home Depot Spring Black Friday【秀花秀草秀春天】一年一度的德州观花 (转载)【春耕时节】菜地流水账汇报给喜欢多肉植物的朋友几点建议农运会擂台赛赛况汇总有奖竞猜2:收获图里都有些啥?【种子交换】求“顶花带刺”的黄瓜种子,有丝瓜种子交换第二届农民运动会【黄瓜类】常规赛赛况鸡粪啊鸡粪,买你怎么就这么难春暖花开--恭贺新版务!!新手请教郁金香种植问题有在休斯顿种地的吗?为啥埋田里的蒜都挂了海泰的那个yunfeng种子老显示没货了,哪里还能买到那种九粒白芸豆啊 ,谢谢第二届农民运动会【西葫芦类】常规赛赛况