Only if you know the quality of the camp...
A couple of weeks ago my 6-year-old daughter went to a day camp for kids
ages 4-7 with a lot of hikes in the woods. One day she came back with a 1-
inch long cut at the right palm. The teachers wrapped her hand up with a
couple of band-its without cleaning the wound. There was still a lot of dirt
filled in it. And at pick up no teacher even mentioned to us at all. I
found out an hour later and got her wound cleaned.
It is not a big deal to fall or getting cuts for kids at her age. But proper
treatment is needed, or at least timely notification to the parents. I
wanted to train my daughter to be tough, but not as much as this,
considering the risk of infection. After complaining to the camp director
without getting a reasonable feedback, we ended up pulling her out of the
camp. It is a small incident but parents have to be careful when the kids
can't take good care of themselves.