Top 21 Borax Uses
Borax has been around for about 100 years, and today, this product is used
in households worldwide as a common cleaning agent and all-around household
helper. It will also rid your home of all sorts of pesky little critters –
if you live in the country like me, you know what I mean! Borax is a
completely natural mineral.Borax comes from California where one of the
world’s largest deposits was discovered in 1913. What I like best about
Borax is that it doesn’t cause cancer, accumulate in the body, or absorb
through the skin. On your box of borax you’ll see that it may be listed as
“poison” on the box, however keep in mind that it’s only toxic at very,
very high levels. (like baking soda for instance, and even water ) Borax is
also considered “sustainable mining” so if you’re a “go green kinda girl
” you’ll be happy to know that it is mining from the earth in a safe and
sustainable way.So, here are my top 21 borax uses:
1. Keep roaches, ants at bay by sprinkling a combination of equal parts
borax and sugar
2. Sprinkling borax on the floor along the wall will keep mice out of
your home
3. Eliminate pesky bed bugs by sprinkling borax on your mattress, let it
sit for about 30 minutes then vacuum it up.
4. Kill fleas or dust mites by sprinkling borax on your carpet. Let it
sit for an hour and vacuum thoroughly.
5. Clean mildew off your outdoor furniture by washing it with a spray
bottle of: 1 teaspoon dish detergent, 1 teaspoon borax and 1 quart warm
6. Sanitize and clean your garbage disposal by putting 3 tablespoons of
borax down the drain. Let it sit for an hour and flush it with warm water.
No more stinky disposal smell!
7. Borax makes a great weed killer, too: Sprinkle a small amount of
borax where you’ve seen weeds previously appear (driveway cracks and
walkways, etc., not in the garden because it will kill your plants, too)
8. Scrub dirty pots and pans with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of borax and
warm water. Because borax is non-abrasive, it will work on the laundry grime
without damaging the surface material.
9. Make an all-purpose cleaner for your home by mixing 2 tablespoons
borax and 2 cups hot water in a spray bottle.
10. Add borax to each load of laundry and boost your cleaning power.
11. Make your Own Laundry Detergent – One 55 ounce box Washing Soda, One
76 ounce box of Borax, One Bar Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castille Bar Soap (grate
) Mix all of these ingredients in a 5 gallon bucket and cut your laundry
detergent expenses in 1/2! Huge savings and chemical FREE!.
12. Soak and wash for dirty non-disposable diapers
13. Carpet stain remover or deodorizer – use 1/4 cup borax to 1 cup
water. Mix and dissolve. Spray or pour directly on stain. Works well for
indoor pet accidents.
14. Rust remover – Make a paste of borax and lemon juice and scrub the
rust (elbow grease). Rinse and pat dry
15. Water spots on Dishes – 1 tblsp of borax on in your dishwasher to
help remove water spots
16. Mattress stains – Mix 1 cup water and 1 cup borax (it’ll be pasty)
Now place on mattress stain and scrub. Allow to dry, vacuum (if necessary
any dried paste) repeat if necessary (now you don’t have to worry about
chemicals on your bed)
17. Garbage Can cleaner – Add 1 cup borax to 2 cups water and clean out
your trash can
18. Toilet cleaner – Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup to your toilet bowl, scrub with
your toilet brush and flush to rinse clean – no chemicals stuck in your
bathroom now!
19. Candle Wicks – Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and 3 tablespoons
of 20 Mule Team Borax in one cup of warm water. Soak heavy twine, such as
butcher’s twine for large candles, in the solution for at least 24 hours.
Allow twine to thoroughly dry before using to make candles.
20. Taxidermy – Want to save feathers from a special bird feather you
found when on vacation or out in the woods? Collect the feathers in a bag
and place 1 cup of borax in your bag with the feathers for 2 weeks to
preserve the feathers.
21. Clean Pet Carriers – make a solution of borax of 1 cup to 2.5 cups
water. Allow to dissolve then spray and clean pet carriers chemical FREE.



【在 G****e 的大作中提到】
: Top 21 Borax Uses
: Borax has been around for about 100 years, and today, this product is used
: in households worldwide as a common cleaning agent and all-around household
: helper. It will also rid your home of all sorts of pesky little critters –
: if you live in the country like me, you know what I mean! Borax is a
: completely natural mineral.Borax comes from California where one of the
: world’s largest deposits was discovered in 1913. What I like best about
: Borax is that it doesn’t cause cancer, accumulate in the body, or absorb
: through the skin. On your box of borax you’ll see that it may be listed as
: “poison” on the box, however keep in mind that it’s only toxic at very,


【在 G****e 的大作中提到】
: Top 21 Borax Uses
: Borax has been around for about 100 years, and today, this product is used
: in households worldwide as a common cleaning agent and all-around household
: helper. It will also rid your home of all sorts of pesky little critters –
: if you live in the country like me, you know what I mean! Borax is a
: completely natural mineral.Borax comes from California where one of the
: world’s largest deposits was discovered in 1913. What I like best about
: Borax is that it doesn’t cause cancer, accumulate in the body, or absorb
: through the skin. On your box of borax you’ll see that it may be listed as
: “poison” on the box, however keep in mind that it’s only toxic at very,

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