Postdoctoral Scholar Research Opportunity at UCSD (SDSC)
Postdoctoral Scholar Research Opportunity at UCSD (SDSC)# GeoSpace - 地球与空间科学
Academic Division:
Engineering, Mathematics, Natural and Physical Sciences

Academic Department/Research Unit:
Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Mathematics, San Diego Supercomputer Center

Disciplinary Specialty of Research:
Computational Sciences and Scalable IO Library Development

High Performance GeoComputing Laboratory at San Diego Supercomputer Center,
the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), invites applications for a
postdoctoral research position in the area of computational science working
on scalable IO framework development. San Diego Supercomputer Center is a
leading resource for data-intensive computing research

The postdoctoral position will offer research opportunities in large-scale
IO library development participating in petascale earthquake research
coordinated by Southern California Earthquake Center, a consortium
consisting of 600 academic researchers and more than 60 academic
institutions. The successful applicant will have access to world-class high
performance computing facilities for frontier research in seismic modeling.

The primary focus of this position is to design and develop a community IO
API for a NSF-funded three-year project for portable and interoperable
parallel file access for structured-mesh based applications in a message-
passing environment, handling internal file IO choices such as HDF5,
partitioned IO, and collective MPI-IO with an IO service tools suite.

We seek an enthusiastic/energetic individual to develop, validate and verify
state of the art real science software library. The successful candidate
will be a recent graduate majoring in Earth Sciences, Computer/Computational
Science, Computer Engineering, Electric Engineering, or Applied Mathematics
with experience in HPC. You must have a proven track record and are
expected to meet project deadlines.

Salary/Stipend Information:
The salary for the position will be based on published UC pay scales.

Procedure to Apply:
Applicants should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact
details (email addresses and phone numbers) of 2-3 references. The
applications should be sent by email to y***[email protected]

Skills and Knowledge Required:
Strong knowledge of MPI, Fortran, C or C++ programming languages and UNIX
operating systems; hands-on experience with the development of distributed
parallel file systems to solve science problems; and the ability to write
clean and scalable software are required. The ideal candidate will also have
a background in computational seismology with 3D forward and inverse
earthquake modeling experience and an excellent understanding in high
performance computing. Excellent oral/written communication skills are
required for working in adiverse, multidisciplinary environment and
presenting at international conferences. An understanding of the various
supercomputing storage offerings and a desire to articulate ideas and
scientific findings in peer-reviewed conferences are a plus.

Position Closing Date:
The review of applications begins immediately and the position will be open
until filled.

Appointment Length/Period:
The position is initially for 12 months with possibility of extension to
three years.

For more information or to apply, please contact:
Dr. Yifeng Cui
y***[email protected]
Phone: *(858) 822-0916