Re: 请教各位# Gowest - 大话西游
1 楼
hoho, it depends on which department. If it's in b-school, or humane related
direction, tulane would be pretty good. If it's engineering, heihei...
you are assumed to be a professor soon, why still ask this kind of silly
Prudue, Maryland, TAMU, Ohio State are all tier 2 schools,
their EEs are 100 times stronger than tulane's, how could you rank schools
based on usnews? //shake head
direction, tulane would be pretty good. If it's engineering, heihei...
you are assumed to be a professor soon, why still ask this kind of silly
Prudue, Maryland, TAMU, Ohio State are all tier 2 schools,
their EEs are 100 times stronger than tulane's, how could you rank schools
based on usnews? //shake head