BME @ UCDAVIS: PSU# Gowest - 大话西游
Which one is better? I got offer from PSU, and very good chance to get the
offer from DAVIS, it is very tough for me to choose. The prof in davis is a
very new faculty, and the one at PSU just got a sizable grant from NIH, though
he is assistent prof. too. The ranking of PSU is a little bit higher, but it
doesn't matter.
Please give me some ideas.
If I were you, I will choose UC Davis.
The reasons are:
1) weather, you know
2) in California, close to Standford and Berkeley
3) [email protected] Davis is in an aggressive way of recruiting
new faculty members. They succeeded in having Michael A. Savageau,
the former director of Bioinformatics Program at UMichigan and
Craig J. Benham,the former professor at Mountain Sinai Medicine School
join this department. They have completed the first round of faculty
recruitment combined with Genome Cent

【在 h********n 的大作中提到】
: Which one is better? I got offer from PSU, and very good chance to get the
: offer from DAVIS, it is very tough for me to choose. The prof in davis is a
: very new faculty, and the one at PSU just got a sizable grant from NIH, though
: he is assistent prof. too. The ranking of PSU is a little bit higher, but it
: doesn't matter.
: Please give me some ideas.

发信人: PeterGuo(0110|Start over!), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: USNews 2006 Ranking - BE/BME
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年04月01日13:51:31 星期五), 站内信件 WWWPOST
Engineering Specialties: Biomedical/Bioengineering
New! Ranked in 2005*
Rank/School Average assessment
score (5.0=highest)
1. Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) (MD) 4.7
2. University of California–San Diego (Jacobs) 4.6
3. Georgia Institute of Technology 4.5
4. Duke University (NC) 4.3
University of Washington 4.3
6. University of Pennsylvania

【在 m*****o 的大作中提到】
: If I were you, I will choose UC Davis.
: The reasons are:
: 1) weather, you know
: 2) in California, close to Standford and Berkeley
: 3) [email protected] Davis is in an aggressive way of recruiting
: new faculty members. They succeeded in having Michael A. Savageau,
: the former director of Bioinformatics Program at UMichigan and
: Craig J. Benham,the former professor at Mountain Sinai Medicine School
: join this department. They have completed the first round of faculty
: recruitment combined with Genome Cent


【在 m*****o 的大作中提到】
: 发信人: PeterGuo(0110|Start over!), 信区: AdvancedEdu
: 标 题: USNews 2006 Ranking - BE/BME
: 发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年04月01日13:51:31 星期五), 站内信件 WWWPOST
: Engineering Specialties: Biomedical/Bioengineering
: New! Ranked in 2005*
: Rank/School Average assessment
: score (5.0=highest)
: 1. Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) (MD) 4.7
: 2. University of California–San Diego (Jacobs) 4.6
: 3. Georgia Institute of Technology 4.5

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