去年12月《福布斯》文章,波音787软件需重写 (转载)
去年12月《福布斯》文章,波音787软件需重写 (转载)# Hardware - 计算机硬件
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发信人: liangmaomao (Amy Bishop 拿不到tenure就杀人的生物AP), 信区: Software
标 题: 去年12月《福布斯》文章,波音787软件需重写
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 17 17:25:40 2013, 美东)
My source told me that the ES is a so-called level A system (highest level
of certification) — which must pass stringent testing. Such certification
includes evidence of following processes in development and passing
thousands of tests. Almost everything on the aircraft is electrical — even
the brakes — so “it is very critical the system works flawlessly.”
This source told me that the software that controls the ES was developed by
HCL Technologies — a $2 billion (2008 revenues) Indian software company
that worked with Boeing and its partners on the 787 and won Boeing’s Gold
Performance Excellence Award in February 2009. He spoke with colleagues at
United Technologies (UTX) division — Hamilton Sundstrand (HS) — which was
the ES’s primary contractor.
His ES colleagues told him that the Designated Engineering Representative (
DER) — a SWAT team of top engineers that tests aircraft software against
rigorous standards — and the FAA refused to certify the work HCL did and
told HS to start over — without HCL. Several of my source’s colleagues
joined HS at the end of 2008 in an effort to rewrite the software.
My source says the HCL was chosen for the software in response to Boeing’s
order that its suppliers outsource at least 25 percent of the work to
overseas sub-contractors. The failure of the ES on that flight to Newark
makes me wonder whether there is still a bug in the ES software.