Re: 有感于布什总统的墓志铭
Re: 有感于布什总统的墓志铭# Heart - 心情好么?
A few days ago, ABC 20/20 interviewed Bush Sr. He cried for two times.
Both are because of the letters he wrote to somebody in the past.
One is to a little girl whose father killed during the invation of Panama
Some sentences like I wish I knew your father earlier, so I can be a better
man. Something like that, quite moving
And another one is to his father Old bush, about the lost of his youngest
4 years old daughter. Barbara read it, I could see tears in Bushs old eyes.
You forget he has
I think G Bush is one of the most capable presidents. He only had one
term mainly because of the untimely depression. In Clinton's first year,
US was fully recovered. But remember that the budget plan that year was
made by Bush but Clinton took all the credits. I honestly don't like
Clinton at all. He made so many promises during the campain and he only
accomplished very few of them. R. Reagon is a rather foolish person
indeed. He had no idea what was going on around him. He had absolute

【在 P***o 的大作中提到】
: Yeah,
: A few days ago, ABC 20/20 interviewed Bush Sr. He cried for two times.
: Both are because of the letters he wrote to somebody in the past.
: One is to a little girl whose father killed during the invation of Panama
: Some sentences like I wish I knew your father earlier, so I can be a better
: man. Something like that, quite moving
: And another one is to his father Old bush, about the lost of his youngest
: 4 years old daughter. Barbara read it, I could see tears in Bushs old eyes.
: You forget he has
