[原创模板] 索要独立推荐信
[原创模板] 索要独立推荐信# Immigration - 落地生根
Dear Dr Cow
My name is Niao Cai and I was a PhD student under the supervision of Dr.
Boss at the University of Boshi. I have heard of your research in ABCology
by reading your publications and review articles, and also your
presentations at the American ABCology Society annual conference. My PhD
study was focused on the role of DEF in ABCology, which can be found on the
Journal of ABCology and in the American ABCology conference 2008 in New York
, New York.
I received my PhD last year. Currently, I am working for University of
Boshihou in regulation of DEF in the XYZ field. I am writing to solicit a
reference letter from you if possible.Thank you very much for your time and
consideration. Because I entered United States as an international student,
my lawyer has now started to file immigration petition for my permanent
residency in US through a category called Aliens with Extraordinary
Abilities. In this process, reference letters from renowned international
expert who could judge my work independently (do not know me personally) are
needed to testify my academic performance and research capability. Given
your highly regarded reputation in ABCology, I am wondering if I could
invite you to be my reference. I appreciate your consideration and any of
your feedback very much. I attached a copy of my CV for your reference.
The process is actually very easy. I have a sample letter draft and you
could revise as you think appropriate. Then I will provide a prepaid
envelop which you could use to return the letter to me. The process will
take a few minutes, however, it is very important for mycareer development
and I am very grateful for your time of reading this email and any favorable
With best regards,


【在 d**l 的大作中提到】
: 转载请注明出处
: Dear Dr Cow
: My name is Niao Cai and I was a PhD student under the supervision of Dr.
: Boss at the University of Boshi. I have heard of your research in ABCology
: by reading your publications and review articles, and also your
: presentations at the American ABCology Society annual conference. My PhD
: study was focused on the role of DEF in ABCology, which can be found on the
: Journal of ABCology and in the American ABCology conference 2008 in New York
: , New York.
: I received my PhD last year. Currently, I am working for University of


发信人: dial (四八佳人), 信区: Immigration
标 题: [原创模板] 索要独立推荐信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 8 13:02:31 2011, 美东)
Dear Dr Cow
My name is Niao Cai and I was a PhD student under the supervision of Dr.
Boss at the University of Boshi. I have heard of your research in ABCology
by reading your publications and review articles, and also your
presentations at the American ABCology Society annual conference. My PhD
study was focused on the role of DEF in ABCology, which can be found on the
Journal of ABCology and in the American ABCology conference 2008 in New York
, New York.
I received my PhD last year. Currently, I am working for University of
Boshihou in regulation of DEF in the XYZ field. I am writing to solicit a
reference letter from you if possible.Thank you very much for your time and
consideration. Because I entered United States as an international student,
my lawyer has now started to file immigration petition for my permanent
residency in US through a category called Aliens with Extraordinary
Abilities. In this process, reference letters from renowned international
expert who could judge my work independently (do not know me personally) are
needed to testify my academic performance and research capability. Given
your highly regarded reputation in ABCology, I am wondering if I could
invite you to be my reference. I appreciate your consideration and any of
your feedback very much. I attached a copy of my CV for your reference.
The process is actually very easy. I have a sample letter draft and you
could revise as you think appropriate. Then I will provide a prepaid
envelop which you could use to return the letter to me. The process will
take a few minutes, however, it is very important for mycareer development
and I am very grateful for your time of reading this email and any favorable
With best regards,

【在 d**l 的大作中提到】
: 版主给个包子吧
: ABCology
: the
: York
